Welcome to the Westside Neighborhood! Join us for a virtual tour of some of our historic homes, structures, and parks with some of the neighbors who make the Westside great.

The Westside is a beautiful historic neighborhood located just west of downtown Lansing, Michigan, USA. There are approximately 2,000 households within the Westside Neighborhood boundaries of Oakland Avenue on the north, Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard on the east, the Grand River on the south, and the boundary of the city on the west. Our community is known for its wonderful homes with unique character and warm interior woodwork, along winding streets lined with mature shade trees. We have a strong sense of community, and are also one of the safest neighborhoods in the city.

There were several developments over the years, and homes were built anywhere from the late 1800's through the 1960's.  The association hosts potlucks, picnics, community forums, and fundraisers for our efforts to improve our neighborhood. The Letts Community Center is located in the heart of the neighborhood and functions as a gathering place for city residents and others.
There are numerous programs for kids, youth, and seniors.

Lansing is the capital city of the state, and many residents are employed by state government, Michigan State University, and General Motors Corporation. We are a community of diversified residents interested in community welfare, quality of life, the environment, nice homes, pretty gardens, healthy food, strong kids, and the safety and health of our neighbors.

Please visit our neighborhood. We are proud of our community!

Check out the self-guided walking tour of the Westside Neighborhood created by NorthWest Initiative's Westside Commercial Association, along with a more in-depth history of our neighborhood (complete with elephants!).

Our neighborhood has a "You Auto Know" sign about it! http://www.lansing.org/includes/content/docs/media/Westside-Neighborhood-sign.pdf

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